2024 Soft Cock Week
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Please Click On These For The Audio Versions on Streaming Platforms
Societal and Cultural Cock-Blocks: Finding the Levity Within the Gravity of It All with Zach Budd
It all begins with an idea.
Relax & Enjoy! : Use Hypnosis to Love Your Soft Cock with Dr. Amy Marsh
It all begins with an idea.
Embracing Softness: Redefining Erectile Disappointment with Michelle Renee and Sex Ed for the Modern Bed Podcast Episode 27
SCW Founder, Michelle Renee, talks with Taara Rose of Sex Ed for the Modern Bed podcast.
Shameless Sex Podcast: Soft Cock Play and Why We Love Them 2 with Michelle Renee and Erica Leroye
The 1st Soft Cock Week interview of the 2024 season!
Soft Cock Play and Why We Love Them 2 with Michelle Renee and Erica Leroy on Shameless Sex Podcast #372
A lovely response from someone who watched this on youtube…
Hi Annette, While Erica discusses techniques and understanding, the biggest and most continuous message I got from your discussion with her was the kindness she brought. While men must own their failures, we live in a world of competition, harshness, and instant dismissal if we take so much as a half step wrong. Sometimes with malice.
Erica's kindness can be quite disarming when what feels like the whole world just as soon you disappear if you're not delivering plenty and on time (with no excuses accepted. ...ever). Thanks for tracking Erica down for that interview.
THIS is what we’re all about at Soft Cock Appreciation Week… kindness, compassion, and education.
What does penis health have to do with heart health? A lot! Erica Leroye was a teacher and a lover when a tragic death led her to a new calling: teaching people about penile health, and doing touch work around pleasure and healing. You’re invited to November’s ‘Soft Cock Week’, and listen here now to learn about the penis in its most common state: soft.
Podcast Host Information: Elle Stanger has been working in sex retail, sales, entertainment, and education settings since 2005. She made this podcast to answer common question and problems because she wants people to have safer, more pleasurable sex, lives, and relationships. And she know a lot of interesting, insightful people! Meet new guests and old friends in new episodes weekly and learn something new about their sexuality, or yours. Let’s fight shame with accurate information, reframing of harmful ideas, and acknowledging harmful myths and misinformation. - Elle Stanger, CSE