Relax & Enjoy! : Use Hypnosis to Love Your Soft Cock with Dr. Amy Marsh
Hypnosis and self-hypnosis are powerful tools you can use to reset your sexual expectations and enjoyment. Cultivate self-acceptance AND soft cock sensuality by changing negative self-talk to powerfully positive suggestions. Erica Leroye talks with Dr. Amy Marsh, sexologist and founder of the Intimate Hypnosis Training Center. This session includes a slide presentation and a guided hypnosis demo you can use at home.
Dr. Amy’s Soft Cock Hypnosis Script used in this demo for you to try is Available Here
If you would like more information and to connect with and support Dr. Amy Marsh
Amy’s website
Amy’s Books:
Entrancing: Hypnotizing Your Way to More Pleasure, Romance, and Sex!
Sexological Hypnosis: Overview, History, & Techniques
If you would like more information and to connect with and support Erica Leroye, please email
If this episode brings up ideas, inspirations, thoughts, questions, or anything else that you are open to sharing with the Soft Cock Appreciation Week community via our blog, podcast, or something we can post (either with attribution or anonymously) please email