Venous Leak: The Often Unknown or Undertreated Root of Physiological ED with Nigel Shaw

When maintaining an erection is a challenge there may be a physiological root that unfortunately is not easily or commonly treated by traditional medicine.  “Imagine pumping up a bicycle tire that has a pinhole leak, no matter how you pump it, that tire just isn’t going to stay firm, so too is the way of Venous leak”. This is the wisdom of Nigel Shaw, the creative innovator and inventor of Xialla, an easy to wear, uniquely designed penis ring for men with Venous leak. Erica Leroye and Nigel delve into the world of Venous Leak and Xialla xxxx:

  • What IS Venous leakage, understanding the frustrations that come with this particular challenge, how it's underserved in traditional medicine, and differentiating physical from the psychological roots when maintaining is the predominant concern. 

  • Some unique signs and symptoms of VL and lifestyle changes that may help

  • Innovating a new solution and how the Xialla ring works for venous leak as well as for other sexual enhancing play

  • The Xialla community as a resource and tips for others who want to support men’s fears and vulnerability.

If you would like more information and to connect with and support Nigel Shaw:


IG @xiallalife

If you would like more information and to connect with and support Erica Leroye, please email

If this episode brings up ideas, inspirations, thoughts, questions, or anything else that you are open to sharing with the Soft Cock Appreciation Week community via our blog, podcast, or something we can post (either with attribution or anonymously) please email


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