Getting Handsy! : Feeling more Confident, Competent and Comfortable Using Your Hands for Partners to the Penis with Lee Jagger

Hands lovingly moving over the body can be a powerful source of erotic pleasure and can be a gift of deep relaxation, but not everyone feels at ease giving and receiving erotic/sensual massage. In this conversation Erica Leroye and Lee Jagger, founder of Rock the Bedroom a teaching program for women to gain confidence and competency bringing erotic massage and tender care to their partners. Together they share the combined wisdom from their years as erotic bodyworkers for men. Together they explore:

  • The transformative power of Intentional Touch and the richness of pleasure that exists beyond penetration.

  • The gift of creating sensual erotic opportunities where the genitals are relieved from all expectation of performing and instead are nourished and nurtured with sublime care.

  • The challenges facing men who long for and desire touch and ways that partners can initiate the invitations to let go and receive.

If you would like more information and to connect with and support Lee Jagger

Rock the Bedroom Program

IG @rockthebedroom

If you would like more information and to connect with and support Erica Leroye, please email

If this episode brings up ideas, inspirations, thoughts, questions, or anything else that you are open to sharing with the Soft Cock Appreciation Week community via our blog, podcast, or something we can post (either with attribution or anonymously) please email


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