Asexuality and Expansive Ideas on Intimacy and Connection with Aubri Lancaster

Does it ever feel like you are trying to fit the proverbial square peg into the round hole of sexuality? Are you “going along” with your partner's wishes and desires even when you aren’t feeling arousal? Has sex always been something that just doesn’t light you up? Many people are unaware of the the asexuality spectrum and find relief when Aha! With new information. Erica Leroye sits at the feet of Aubri Lancaster, Certified ASSECT Sexuality Educator. Aubri has exceptional expertise teaching laypeople and professionals about ACE awareness in ways that are compassionate and transformational. Together they discuss:

  • What do we mean by asexuality and how does it differ from low libido?

  • What would be some common signs/signals that might help a person or a partner get to the “aha! This might be me/you/us!”?

  • What has changed culturally/societally so that this is now more understood as a truth and not something that has to be “overcome”? 

  • What support is out there for people to learn and discover more?

  • Beyond “Sex”-Expanding what intimacy and connection can look like and feel like for ACE people and partners

If you would like more information and to connect with and support Aubri Lancaster:

Aubri’s website

IG @acesexeducation

If you would like more information and to connect with and support Erica Leroye, please email

If this episode brings up ideas, inspirations, thoughts, questions, or anything else that you are open to sharing with the Soft Cock Appreciation Week community via our blog, podcast, or something we can post (either with attribution or anonymously) please email


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Resources Mentioned by Aubri:

Sharonda j Brown- Refusing Compulsory Sexuality

Emily Nagoski

Cody Daigle-Orians @acedadadvice- I am Ace Advice, Ace-Aro Relationship Guide


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