Breaking Through the Stigmas Of Softness: Communication for Mental and Physical Well-Being with Courtney Brame

 “Why is talking openly and honestly about changes in erectile function still so taboo among men?” 

This question has been at the forefront of Erica Leroye’s quest to demystify the erectile epidemic and treat men’s sexual health as openly as any other health matter. In this conversation Erica speaks with Courtney Brame, founder of both Something Positive for Positive People- a vital resource for STI stigma re-education, and Selfed a mental and emotional health nonprofit for Black men, as well as  a yoga instructor and yoga therapist in training. Courtney shares ideas from his years of his personal and professional experience helping people learn how to accept their bodies as they are and feel more free in communicating openly and authentically with partners. Join them as they explore:

  • How it often takes a crisis to begin the shift from societal expectations of “what it means to be a man” to the personal explorations that create one’s own truth.

  • Redirecting thoughts of “I am alone in this and no one will ever want me again” to accepting what is in a way that encourages self-care and discoveries of new possibilities.

  • Transforming “disclosure” of erectile concerns to partners into open dialogue and discussion . 

  • Speaking from the Body- Learning your body’s cues and messages as a path for communicating desires and needs

  • Practical Tips for Stress Management, Open Communication, and Lifestyle Changes

If you would like more information and to connect with and support Courtney Brame:

Selfed Emotional Wellness for Men

Something Positive for Positive People  

IG @CourtneyBrame

If you would like more information and to connect with Erica Leroye please email

If this episode brings up ideas, inspirations, thoughts, questions, or anything else that you are open to sharing with the Soft Cock Appreciation Week community via our blog, podcast, or something we can post (either with attribution or anonymously) please email


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The Hidden Power of the Hum and Vibration: Adding Voice and Sound to Your Sexual Toolbox with Jill Carnay