Sex Toys! : Opening up the Pleasure Chest for Play and Connection with Carl the Toy Guy

Have you been curious about bringing sex toys into your play but have thoughts like, “It means I’m ‘less than’ if we use a toy”, “I can’t feel my partners pleasure if we use a toy,” “I’m embarrassed that I like sex toys,”  “I tried toys and they didn’t do anything for me,” “If we use toys we’ll become less sensitive, get addicted to it, and it will create problems down the line”? Then this conversation is for you! Join Erica Leroye as she and Carl the Toy Guy, Owner of PTTreasures toy emporium, as they deep dive together into:

  •  Common blocks people have around bringing toys into solo and partnered experiences and fun and practical suggestions for overcoming hesitancies and embracing and enjoying sex toys.

  •  A toy “show and tell” with examples and brainstorming for creative uses for people who have a variety of erectile concerns including ideas for how to shop for them, pick them, use them and clean them.

  • Addressing cultural and societal stigmas around men exploring their sexual desires and ways to brush that off and claim the joy that playing with toys and discovering new sensations can offer the whole self. 

If you would like more information and to connect with Carl the Toy Guy

Platinum Treasures

IG @pt_treasures

Carl has offered a discount on his site, for all us SC Appreciators. USE CODE SOFTCOCK for 15% off purchases on this site. The full list and links of toys shown in this episode are available below.

If you would like more information and to connect with and support Erica Leroye, please email

If this episode brings up ideas, inspirations, thoughts, questions, or anything else that you are open to sharing with the Soft Cock Appreciation Week community via our blog, podcast, or something we can post (either with attribution or anonymously) please email


Apple Podcast


Men Supporting Men: What we can learn from Prostate Cancer Support Groups with Billy Hatzichristos


Societal and Cultural Cock-Blocks: Finding the Levity Within the Gravity of It All with Zach Budd