The Softness in Porn: What We Can Learn from Adult Performers about Flow, Function, and Fun! with Jet Setting Jasmine and King Noire
Pornography is the number one way people get their sex education and with that comes a lot of expectations and pressure to match what they see. But often the soft penis is not highlighted in adult visual media, leading the mind to believe that it is unwelcome or unappreciated in play and intimacy. In this dynamic conversation, Erica Leroye speaks with Jet Setting Jasmine and King Noire, founders of Royal Fetish Films XXX. Jasmine and King are life partners, performers, activists, educators, entrepreneurs and all around baddies with heart ready to take you behind the scenes and celebrate hot, sexy, sultry, softness. This conversation is rich and touches on:
A typical day in the life of a penis on a porn set- moving through the physical ups and downs of arousal and expectations
WHY Hardness is what we see and how Royal Fetish Films is changing that expectation
Communication skills you can take from adult performers to feel more comfortable talking about desires, needs and boundaries
The importance of “setting the stage” so that presence and flow state can be achieved
The link between athletic performance and sexual performance and how preparation shifts performance anxiety to arousal
Using what you see for ideas and inspirations while also better understanding that pornography is Intentional Entertainment
For More Information and to connect with and support Jet Setting Jasmine and King Noire:
Socials: IG- @therealkingnoire @jetsettingjasminetm X-@kingnoire @jetsetjasmine
If you would like more information and to connect with Erica Leroye please email
If this episode brings up ideas, inspirations, thoughts, questions, or anything else that you are open to sharing with the Soft Cock Appreciation Week community via our blog, podcast, or something we can post (either with attribution or anonymously) please email