A Soft Cock Extended Love Note
offered anonymously
I am 56 years old and besides needing to lose a little weight I am a healthy male. As with most males my age I have a new experience, erectile dysfunction, the inability to maintain in erection, and the like.
In addition to that I have a small penis. So basically I contend with, work with and deal with a small, soft cock. I have known I was small since late high school college years. Also, I am smaller than the average national statistics when you Google.
Bring the two together, being small and being soft , and it presents its own unique challenges.
Within the past year or maybe 18 months, I have started to really become more accepting and proud of what is between my legs. Prior to that it was very difficult for me and very challenging. I was putting too much pressure on myself to get hard during self-play, partner play etc..
Here’s what I know: Size, and being soft, really has nothing to do with pleasure. Pleasure is in the mind, and then the rest of the body.
I have received great pleasure from masturbating with a soft cock and partnered sex with a soft cock. As mentioned during Soft Cock Week, soft cocks are certainly capable of ejaculation and orgasms.
It’s also important to suggest that a man does not have to be erect to be a man or a good lover. It takes a lot of pressure off of a lot of situations when you realize that you don’t have to be hard to have fun. There are many ways to share pleasure with a partner, besides penis penetration. I have learned to become really good using other methods.
It also takes a lot of pressure off of yourself when you’re alone and you realize you don’t have to have an erection to enjoy pleasure.
My take is, enjoy being a man, enjoy your cock, whether it is hard or soft, and the pleasure that can bring you.
Finally, it’s very nice to find the website and social media platforms that are dedicated, like “Soft Cock” to the exact idea of soft cocks and that there are many people out there both men and especially women that are so supportive.